postpartum healing

The last time I was pregnant, I was obsessed with preparing for the birth. I took a birth class, read every book imaginable, listened to hypnobirthing recordings, drank my red raspberry leaf tea - I was ready. And all the preparation led to a great birthing experience and for that I am grateful. 

However, I did zero preparation for postpartum. And I don’t mean taking care of a baby, but taking care of MYSELF. And you know what? I was shook. This led to dealing with PPD until about 14 months after giving birth, despite doing “all the right things”. This was partially due to hormones I’m sure, but also had to do with a lot of pressure I put on myself starting when Rory was as little as 3-4 weeks old. At the time I felt like I needed to hit the ground running and start working and being busy again. That’s something I struggle with always - the need to be busy. And God forbid I asked for help! Even though I have an amazing family and group of friends who would’ve been happy to help me out. Why does society expect women to be superheroes so shortly after giving birth??

I realize this mindset that I should be able to “do it all” was detrimental to my recovery. My body, mind and spirit were scattered and never in alignment. This led to anxiety, depression, insomnia for over a year. This is hard to admit for someone who’s work and life are so focused on wellness!

That’s why this time I’m focusing on creating a POSTPARTUM plan to make those first six weeks after giving birth (& beyond) a time to bond with my baby and take care of myself (as it should be) instead of being one full of stress and anxiety.

I plan to share this guide to help anyone who is in the same boat as me, and I know I’m not the only one. Let me know! I’m thinking a written guide and template as well as a live group workshop ❤️

Tell me, what do you wish you did different differently during your postpartum period? What did you do to set yourself up for success?


5 lbs heavier, 5x happier


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